Our story

How UIE Started

UIE classroom

In 2016, after dedicating years of work at IICC (Instituto de Investigación de Ciencias del Comportamiento) Eric Roth Ph.D., decided to found a research center inside UCB mainly focused on tackling behavioral issues with a strong experimental and technological approach. During the following years he and a team put efforts in innovating research for objective measurement of psychological states.

In 2018, with Rectoral resolution No.005/2018 the UIE was founded with the objecive of develop interdisciplinary research with public and private institutions. Currently the UIE is focused on training future researchers with the hope to bridge clinical and social aspects of neuroscience and psychology by innovating in objective and accessible diagnostics for psychological conditions.

Meet our team

Principal Investigator

Eric Roth Ph.D.

Eric Roth is a Full-Time professor at UCB in the Psychology Department. He is the main researcher and founder of UIE.


Manuel Illanes

Alvaro Molina

Andres Rodriguez

Dayanne Orellana

Camila Ponce

2021 Interns

Cinthia Reyes

Katherine Quint

Betania Cárdenas

Mariana Daza